And since 2007, I’ve been writing sales copy for clients all over the world, in multiple industries, and at multiple levels of business… from brand-new to well-established.
And they all have ONE thing in common: Emails are a big part of their strategy.
So much so that I’ve written thousands of emails and millions of words in my years as a copywriter, and that doesn’t look to slow down anytime soon.
And in everything I’ve written, there are FOUR sequences that not only are the most requested… but they will get you the biggest bang for your buck AND feel like the most difficult for my clients to figure out.
So I’ve put this guide together to show you exactly what to write, when to send it, and what to offer… because I don’t want you to feel stuck wondering how to make this email game work for you, too.
Start with one or fast-implement all four… but at the end of the day, THIS is what’s going to help you move the needle in your business.
And that’s a feel-good moment for me.